Marxism Today

Marxism Today was one of the most influential political magazines of the 1980s. I wrote about 25 articles for it over several years. Here is a selection:

Karaoke Culture: This essay discusses the rise of Japanese digital culture and what it would mean. Read it here.

The Rise of the Social Market argued that the interaction between markets and social cohesion would be central to politics in the future. Read it here.

Manifesto for Public Services is a 16-point plan written in 1991 to revive the public sector. Read it here.

Facing up to the Future set out the need for a new progressive politics in response to globalisation and the fracturing of working class identity and politics. Read it here.

Progressive Individualism: This article, written in 1988, outlines the need for a progressive account of individualism and individuality. Read it here.


The Self-Policing Society


In Search of Work