What's Next? 21 Ideas For 21st Century Education

What's Next is based on case studies of six innovative schools and interviews with local authorities around the country.

Download the full pdf here.

You can read an article from the Guardian Education supplement here, since picked up in the Taipei Times.

A PDF of an earlier report commissioned by the Innovation Unit, The Shape of Things to Come, can be found here.

The Shape of Things to Come, published in 2005, explicitly links two policy agendas which are deeply interconnected but have often been treated as if they are separate: personalising learning and school collaboration. The argument here is that if our aspiration is personalisation for all learners, schools will need to work together to achieve it. Personalising learning relies on getting young people to 'invest' in their education. The term is used metaphorically, pointing to the need for learners to be much more profoundly engaged in the process of learning. To achieve this, schools need to use resources flexibly and creatively, especially in partnership, and reach beyond the boundaries of the classroom and the school. The best way to handle the increased complexity this entails is through school networks and collaborators with other stakeholders.


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